From 2005 to 2012, IACFS/ME published a peer-reviewed quarterly Bulletin. The Bulletin addressed the topic and symptom of fatigue stressing interdisciplinary clinical and basic research, patient care, education, and health policy.
The Bulletin was a forum for publishing original research, case reports, short notes for rapid communication, reviews of the literature, and book reviews to stimulate scientific knowledge and debate. Letters to the Editor as well as conference proceedings were also be considered for publication. Starting in 2013, IACFS/ME partnered with Taylor and Francis to publish our current quarterly peer-reviewed journal, Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health, and Behavior.
For each issue of the Bulletin, we have tried to include all the content we have in our archives. Although articles are older, many still may have value for research/ historical purposes.
During website transition, Bulletins are temporarily located in this Google Folder. In the near future, we will display Bulletin contents in a more accessible manner.